Gobsheen Gombeens(Music: Trad. Arr. R. Kavana, Lyrics: R. Kavana)
In the bad days our absentee landlords in London they cut a great dash
While poor tenants at home in old Ireland had to pay up in crops or hard cash.
But them gobsheen gombeens in Dail Eireann are as bad as the landlords of old
They’re robbin’ us blind with their taxes, perched high on their mountains of gold.
In years gone by these gombeens told us we had never been better off
But who did they think they were kiddin’ as they led us like pigs to a trough
They’re concoctin’ such laws and taxations we soon won’t be able to ate
Just a step from collapse and ruination, this country’s in an awful state.
Even the humble potato that used to grow out in the fields
Is imported from Jersey and Jordan and priced beyond poor people’s means
I mind when the stout cost a florin and cider was cheapest of all
Now it’s five yokes a pint, more in Dublin, and the bulk of it goin’ to the Dail.
The homeless in doorways are sleepin’ while sick pack the hospital halls
Yet where e’er you look they have constructed homes we can’t afford, not at all!
We need a big change in this nation for the gombeens are robbin’ us blind
Or once more ‘twill be mass emigration and leave our poor country behind.
Stability and social fairness were all the talk from the EU
As they flooded our country with money tho’ none of it reached me and you.
Their cronies in banks and big business with fine dining, golf clubs and such perks
Say we must now pay for their folly tho’ not of our making – their mess!
So bad cess to that old Celtic Tiger which covered them gombeens in wealth
And left the poor bad off as ever, overcrowdin’ the poverty belt
We need radical change in our system if our country is going to survive
Or, as turkeys just won’t vote for Christmas, TDs won’t give up their high life.
Them gobsheen gombeens in Dail Eireann are as bad as the landlords of old
They’re robbin’ us blind with their taxes, perched high on their mountains of gold.